How Dasung's E Ink monitor assists a Syndome Triple-A patient (posted by E-Ink-info)

Jeremie Rousseau, from France, suffers from a genetic disease called Syndome Triple-A, a rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder. There are several symptoms that result from this disorder - and one of these is alacrima - the inability to produce enough tears. Jeremie finds it very difficult to work with computer monitors - even after following his Doctor's advice to decrease the contrast and brightness of his LCD display.
Jeremie was looking for solutions that will enable him to work for longer times in front of a monitor, and he found a good solution with Dasung's Paperlike E Ink monitors. Jeremie finds that he can work for many hours in front of the E Ink monitors - used to read, write e-mails and read long PDF files.

We have recently reviewed Dasung's Paperlike HD-FT, which is based on a 13.3" 2200x1650 touch display with a front light. Jeremie has an older version, that does not include touch, but has a Wacom touch tablet which uses for his work.

Jeremie is not just a user of an E Ink monitor - he is also a developer and he created a special Paint application specifically for E Ink displays. The application can be tested here - and Jeremie welcomes other E Ink users to test and comment on his application which may help others.

The Paperlike HD-FT is now shipping globally, at you can buy it for $1,199.

 Posted: Mar 20, 2020 by Ron Mertens


