Reviews from our Taobao customers
- It’s very suitable for editing documents, coding and my eyes feel much more comfortable. It’s really benefit for dry eye friends.
- The display effect is amazing, when I play a video, I feel like Harry Potter is reading the magic newspaper, fantastic
- After I set the monitor refer to the user manual, the display effect is particularly good! It does not affect my work at all, you can also watch videos! Better than expected! It eases the pain and dryness of my eyes! Highly recommend!
干眼症忍了很久,一直种草这款显示器,今天下决心买了 保护眼睛很重要,目前用起来不错
- I’ve been suffering the dry eye syndrome for a long time and I always want to buy this monitor. Today finally I made my decision to buy it. It is much more important to protect my eyes. So far so good
- The screen size is good and the image display is very clear, and it is very suitable for long-time reading and browsing
身为写了十多年代码的老程序员,每天都要盯着屏幕十多个小时,干眼症、视疲劳已经让我身心俱疲。一个偶然的机会发现了大上科技的这款paperlike HD电子墨水屏显示器,尽管屏幕只有13.3寸和不低的价格,但还是毫不犹豫的买了。从收货拆箱到今天一周左右的使用时间,真的是感觉太太太太太爽了!物有所值!现在每天公司家里移动使用,离不开了。真心感谢大上科技有这么好的产品,也期待能有更大屏幕尺寸、更多颜色的新产品问世,我一定会支持你们的,加油
- As an experienced programmer who has written codes for more than ten years, I need to stare at the monitor screen for more than ten hours. Dry eye syndrome and visual fatigue have exhausted me. An accidental opportunity, I discovered this paperlike HD e-ink screen display of DASUNG Technology. Although the screen size is only 13.3 inches and with a not low price, but I still bought it without hesitation. After using it for about one week, I really feel so so so so absolutely cool and comfortable! Worth the price! I can’t live without it, I use it everyday at home and in my office. Sincerely thank DASUNG Technology for making such a good product, and looking forward to new products with larger screen sizes and more colors. I will definitely support you guys. Keep going!
- Really good, my eyes are comfortable, reading documents, browsing web pages, watching comics are very convenient, and the clarity is also very high! The screen is so cool, if I’ve already known that there is such a good monitor, I would buy it the minute I saw it.
- The monitor’s display effect is amazingly great, the front light supports adjustment, you can see clearly even without sunlight, my eyes are really comfortable, and it has saved my dry eyes. I give full-star recommendation to this monitor, buy it!
- During the epidemic period, my boy needs to spend a lot of time to use computer to do homework. And I found this monitor is very suitable for online class and compared to other tablets and the function of Max3, the touch and refresh rate of this monitor is much better, can meet almost all my requirements, though it has some mouse delay, I can accept.